Skinny to Curvy: The Weight Gain Journey

By Nida Naz - April 27, 2019

Losing weight is as important as gaining healthy weight.While there is a lot to talk about losing there’s isn’t that much light over gaining weight for all those skinny girls. 


In order for you to gain weight it is very important to NEVER skip your breakfast include egg and fruit juices in your breakfast to boost your metabolism. 

Eating as often as possible is the key to a healthy weight gain, eat your main meals like breakfast,lunch and dinner after every 5 hours so you are never starving also add 2, 3 healthy high calorie snacks like milkshakes,yogurt and high carbohydrate foods like bananas etc in between these meals.

Increasing your calorie intakes will help you gain one pound in a week, you need to add extra 500 to 1000 calories per day. Here's a breakdown of the calories you need to take for gaining weight.

Also check out this to know more about good calories:

Eat bigger than normal portions of meals with higher calories, moderate fats like olive and canola oil,higher protein like eggs,meat,fish,seeds, higher fiber, higher nutrition,for new muscles your body needs 0.8 gm/kg of protein everyday 

Starchy vegetables like potatoes, peas, cauliflower, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and complex carbohydrates like whole grain bread,pasta and brown rice etc also help with gaining.


Drinking protein shakes, milk and fresh juices rather than tea, coffee and diet soda will also help in gaining healthy weight, do not drink water before meals as it fills you up drink water ten minutes after you finish.


Exercising is important in both gaining and loosing weight, 30 minutes of resistance training. Weight training helps to convert extra calories into muscle and adds extra pounds to your body
Do exercises like body weight squat, push-ups, row or dead lift 
Do not engage in aerobic exercises running or stationary bicycling. Aerobic exercises helps you lose body fat which cause weight loss

 Weigh yourself at the end of each week to see your development and remember to eat,eating is the key to your curves.

Here's a list of pages you should follow

Overall its good to be fit and to  set goals for yourself and work to achieve it but never forget to love yourself and your body.

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